Allah, Al-Qaher (the Irresistible, the Dominant), Al-Qahhar (the Overwhelming Subduer Who is Never Overcome)

Allah, Al-Qaher (the Irresistible, the Dominant), Al-Qahhar (the Overwhelming Subduer Who is Never Overcome)

He is Allah, Al-Qaher (the Irresistible, the Dominant), Al-Qahhar (the Overwhelming Subduer Who is Never Overcome)...

He Dominates His creatures from the heavens above them: &"He is the Subjugator over His servants. He is the Wise, the Acquainted (with all)&" (Al-An&"âm: 18).

Al-Qahhar&" (the Overwhelming Subduer Who is Never Overcome)

He subdues His creation with His sublimity and knowledge, and by encompassing them, managing their affairs and being aware of them. Nothing happens in this vast universe except with his Permission and Knowledge.

&"Al-Qahhar (the Overwhelming Subduer Who is Never Overcome) … He is the Overwhelming Subduer Who subdues everything. To Him creatures submit and they are subservient to his Might, Perfection and Ability.

&"Al-Qahhar&" (the Overwhelming Subduer Who is Never Overcome)

He subdues the obstinate and the arrogant with the clearest of proofs and arguments, proving that He alone is worthy of being the Lord and the One Who is worshipped, and He alone is the One Who possesses the Most Beautiful Names and Supreme Attributes.

&"Al-Qahhar&" (the Overwhelming Subduer Who is Never Overcome)

He subdues oppressors and the unjust. He resurrects them on the Last Day when they will be stripped of their powers.. &"…and all creatures will come out before Allah, the One, the Prevailing&" (Ibrahîm: 48).

&"Al-Qahhar&" (the Overwhelming Subduer Who is Never Overcome)

His Will inevitably happens and it cannot be reversed by any of His creation, however great anyone may be. The perfection of His creation is above the ability of the most powerful of His creatures. Tongues are speechless when they try to describe the perfection of His creation, however beautiful the words they might use may be.

He is Allah, Al-Qaher
